Ko+Gei at the Tokyo Art Club
23日(木)15時 山下裕二先生
24日(金)15時 橋本麻里先生
25日(土)15時 秋元雄史先生
Mid-way into May, it is a most pleasant season.
At last, there is only one more week to go before the Ko+Gei exhibition at the Tokyo Art Club.
Works by Hashimoto Masaya and Takimoto Mitsukuni will be there on display.
There are also gallery talks scheduled to take place during the show.
Thursday 23, 3:00pm - Yamashita Yuji
Friday 24, 3:00pm - Hashimoto Mari
Saturday 25, 3:00pm - Akimoto Yuji
Advanced reservations can be made now, so please check it out!