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Exhibition Announcement, Shirokane, Wednesday May 8 - Saturday June 15, 2024 風薫る5月がやってまいりましたが、皆さまいかがお過ごしでしょうか。
五月はこどもの日もございましたので、お子様たちに強く勇ましく育っていただきたいという願いを込めて「印地打図屏風」を展示しております。 We hope this finds you well as we enter early summer. With Children's Day in May, we have chosen an interesting work for our current exhibition in Shirokane. It is a screen depicting an event called "Injiuchi", which was intended to foster strength and courage in children.
日本では、鎌倉時代より男子の勇ましさを競う行事が盛んになされていました。 その中の一つに合戦を真似、二手に分かれて石を投げ合う行事、『印地打』がありました。 危険な闘争行為であったため負傷者や死人が出ることもしばしばあり、江戸時代には子供の遊びとなりその後は禁止されてなくなりました。しかし、禁止された後も五月の節句の際に子供の成長を願い飾られていたという説もございます。 From as early as the Kamakura period in Japan, this event was held on the fifth day of the fifth month, as a competition of bravery for boys. Imitating battle, boys were divided into two teams to have a rock fight, called "Injiuchi", literally, "sling and strike". As it was a dangerous combat sport of sorts, often resulting in injury or even death, in the Edo period it was lightened to a form of children's play, and eventually banned. But even after it was banned, it is said that in May as a seasonal celebration for the growth and development of children, pictures like this were displayed.
その他、北斉時代の『怪獣』と言われている石像の台座など力強い作品を展示しております。 木々の緑も鮮やかになってまいりました。どうぞお散歩がてらお越しくださいませ。 In addition, we are also exhibiting powerful works such as this Northern Wei Dynasty stone figure of a mythical creature that once supported a pedestal. With the fresh green leaves of the season fully out, we hope you will take a walk and stop by to see the show.
【 会期 】 2024年5月8日(水)~ 6月15日(土) ※会期中、一部展示替えを致しますがご了承くださいませ。
【 開廊時間 】 11:00-17:00、日月祝休廊 【 Schedule 】 Wednesday May 8 - Saturday June 16, 2024 Open 11:00 am - 5:00 pm Closed Sundays, Mondays, and public holidays ※ Please note that certain exhibits may change during the show.
by londongallery
| 2024-05-09 16:58
ファン申請 |