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Suda Yoshihiro Solo Exhibition, "Alteration and Adaptation: An Investigation", Saturday April 8 - Saturday June 24, 2023 春たけなわの季節となりましたが皆さまいかがお過ごしでしょうか。
この度、須田悦弘による個展「須田悦弘 補作と模作の模索」を 4 月 8 日(土)から 6 月 24 日(土)まで開催しております。 本展はギャラリー小柳とロンドンギャラリーの初めての共同企画展でございます。 We hope this finds you all well as spring is at long last in the air. Gallery Koyanagi and London Gallery are pleased to announce our first collaborative exhibition, Suda Yoshihiro, "Alteration and Adaptation: An Investigation" held from Saturday April 8 to Saturday June 24. 須田悦弘 菫 2023 年 木に彩色、ジンボトル [ギャラリー小柳にて展示] Yoshihiro Suda Violet 2023 Pigments on wood, antique gin bottle [On display at Gallery Koyanagi] Photo: Hiroshi Sugimoto
今回の展覧会では、杉本博司が選んだ骨董の器にあわせて須田が作品を制作します。青磁の花入には青い枝を伸ばす白梅を、硝子のジンボトルには凛とした菫を。 須田は作品を設置する場をインスタレーションに転じてきましたが、今回の作品群では器が作品の場となるのです。杉本が投げかけたお題に須田がどのように答えるのか、二つの展覧会場でご覧ください。 Suda Yoshihiro makes finely detailed wooden sculptures of plants and flowers that are nearly indistinguishable from the real thing, and places them in unexpected places to create installation artworks using the entire space. As expressed in the title conceived by Hiroshi Sugimoto, "Alteration and Adaptation: An Investigation", this exhibition features the works that Suda is best known for, namely lifelike sculptures that imitate nature in a form of "adaptation"; and also includes examples of "alteration" works that have drawn a great deal of attention in recent years. For this exhibition, Suda made works specifically to be paired with antique vessels and containers chosen by Hiroshi Sugimoto. For example, a single white plum blossom on a fresh green branch is placed in a celadon flower vase, and an elegant violet is placed in a glass gin bottle. Until now, Suda has turned the places he exhibits his works into installations, but here his works find their homes in a variety of different vessels. We invite you to see how Suda replied to the theme created by Sugimoto in two different locations. 須田悦弘 梅 2023 年 木に彩色、青磁花入 [ロンドンギャラリー白金にて展示] Yoshihiro Suda Plum 2023 Pigments on wood, celadon flower vase [On display at London Gallery, Shirokane] Photo: Hiroshi Sugimoto
お散歩するにもいい気候になってまいりました。 お近くにお越しの折には是非お立ち寄りくださいませ。 心よりお待ち申し上げております。 For Suda, who says he has been influenced by the sculptors Unkei and Kaikei, and praises the Rinpa painters Ogata Kōrin and Sakai Hōitsu, the challenge of researching and reproducing parts of Buddhist and Shinto sculptures that have been lost, and exploring methods for applying a patina of age, have come to occupy a great part of his artistic creation. At Gallery Koyanagi, examples of these "alterations" from the collection of Hiroshi Sugimoto and the Odawara Art Foundation are on display, while at London Gallery Shirokane, we exhibit works of pre-modern Buddhist art and other antiquities that Suda has lent his hand to. It is the perfect season for taking a walk outdoors, so if you happen to pass nearby, we hope that you will take the time to stop in and see the show. 【 会 期 】 2023年4月8日(土)~6月24日(土) ※臨時休廊:4月29日(土)~5月8日(月) 【 Schedule 】 Saturday April 8 - Saturday June 24, 2023 ※ Temporarily closed Saturday April 29 - Monday May 8
【 会 場 】 ※今回は2会場で展覧会を開催しております。
[ギャラリー小柳] 開廊時間:11:00~19:00 休廊日:日・月・祝祭日 〒104-0061 東京都中央区銀座1-7-5 小柳ビル 9F Tel: 03-3561-1896 Mail: mail@gallerykoyanagi.com
[ロンドンギャラリー白金] 開廊時間:11:00~17:00 休廊日:日・月・祝祭日 〒108-0072 東京都港区白金3-1-15 白金アートコンプレックス 4F Tel: 03-6459-3308 Mail: londongallery.sac@honey.ocn.ne.jp
by londongallery
| 2023-04-12 11:22
ファン申請 |