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Exhibition Announcement, Shirokane, Wednesday October 12 - Saturday November 26, 2022 急に風が冷たくなってまいりました。季節も秋を通り越し、冬になってしまいそうです。 こちらの十一面観音像は、頭部から腹部までの断片ではございますが、現高が30cm近く、懸仏の本体としてはきわめて大きな像でございます。 The sudden drop in temperature has it feeling as if we have skipped right over autumn and are now heading into winter. We hope you are all remaining healthy and well. Greeting visitors to our latest rotation is this gilt bronze figure of Juichimen Kannon from the Heian period. While only the upper body and head remain, it is nearly 30cm in height, meaning in its original form it must indeed have been a very large kakebotoke ("hanging buddha"). 懸仏(御正体)とは、木や銅の円板に仏像を浮彫し荘厳具をつけ,掛けられるようにしたものです。本地垂迹説に基づいて本地仏を表す形式として用いられ、平安時代末期~鎌倉時代初期に、鏡に仏像を毛彫して神社に奉納したのが始まりといわれています。 大ぶりで立体的な尊像を取り付ける懸仏は鎌倉時代後期の作例に多くみられ、平安時代に遡る本作は珍しい存在です。 Kakebotoke are Buddhist figures carved into circular discs made of wood or copper alloy, that were decorated and made to be hung. In accordance with the manifestation theory that Shinto kami were Japanese manifestations of Buddhist deities, it is said that kakebotoke were first made in the late Heian period by etching Buddhist deities on the reflective sides of mirrors and dedicating them to shrines. Larger, three-dimensional figures like this that were separately attached to the discs became more common toward the late Kamakura period, making a piece like this that dates into Heian quite rare.
芸術の秋、是非足をお運びいただければ幸いでございます。 皆様のお越しを心よりお待ち申し上げております。
【 会 期 】 2022年10月12日(水)~11月26日(土) ※会期中、一部展示替えをする場合がございます。ご了承くださいませ。
【 開廊時間 】 11:00-17:00 日月祝休廊 The soft facial features of this work are characteristic of the Heian period, and it is easy for viewers to get absorbed in the supple, kindness of the eyes. We hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity to see the show. 【 Schedule 】 Wednesday October 12 - Saturday November 26, 2022 11:00 am - 5:00 pm Closed Sundays, Mondays, and public holidays ※ Please note that certain exhibits are subject to change during this time.
by londongallery
| 2022-10-15 16:36
ファン申請 |