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Exhibition Rotation Announcement, June 6-27, 2020 新型コロナウイルスの勢いは中々落ち着きませんが、 季節はすすみ気が付けば梅雨入りも目前となりました。皆様いかがお過ごしでしょうか。 ロンドンギャラリ-より展示のご案内をさせていただきます。 今回は展示作品の中から3点ご紹介させていただきます。 1点目は「天橋立図屏風(江戸時代) As the situation with Covid-19 persists, the seasons continue to change and we find ourselves about to enter the rainy season. We hope this finds you all well. Here we would like to introduce three works from our current rotation in Shirokane. The first is an Edo period screen from the early 17th century, called Amanohashidate. 現代では簡単に旅行できたり、見たいものを携帯やPCを使ってすぐにみられますが、 昔は現地に赴くことなどは容易ではございませんでした。 そこで、春には桜を出して季節を、暑い日には涼しげな屏風をだし涼を、 時には名所絵を飾り旅を感じていたそうでございます。 今は旅に出ることも外出もままなりませんが、 屏風を通して日本三景の一つ「天橋立」をご覧いただければ幸いでございます。 Since ancient times, screens have been used for both practical and decorative purposes. In the modern age, people can travel easily and see whatever they like on their mobile phones or computers, but in the past it was not so easy to get to far off places. So, for example, on a warm spring day when the cherry blossoms are out, one could gaze upon a refreshing screen such as this and imagine for a moment that they were visiting a far off place of great renown. Now, as we are encouraged to stay home and avoid unnecessary travel, we too can visit vicariously one of Japan's Three Scenic Places (Nihon sankei), the narrow sandbar covered with thick groves of pine trees called Amanohashidate. 2点目は「社寺曼荼羅」(南北朝時代) The second work is a Shaji mandara from the Nanbokucho period (1336-1392). 今回展示している作品は、本地仏が影向している御葢山と春日社の境内に加え、 隣接する興福寺を一つの構図で描いた「春日社寺曼荼羅」の一つでございます。 お堂を描かずに、中の仏像だけを描くという、一見すると不思議な絵ですが、 実はこれは「この絵を拝めば、興福寺と春日社をお参りしたことになる。」そうでございます。 そのため、行けない人々は掛軸を自宅にかけ、それを信仰の対象として拝んでいたそうでございます。 Shaji mandara are paintings of sacred temple and shrine grounds that served to encourage visitation or act as guides. On display now is a Kasuga shaji mandara, depicting the precincts of the Kasuga Shrine with Mount Mikasa and the Buddhist manifestations of the shrine's kami at the top, and the neighboring temple Kofukuji at the bottom. With only the icons of the temple being depicted instead of the buildings themselves, it may seem unusual at first sight, but the intention is that making this painting the object of ritual worship is virtually the same as physically visiting the places depicted therein. As such, people unable to visit Nara could hang a scroll like this in their homes, and worship from afar. 3点目は「金銅蔵王権現」(平安時代) The third work is a sculpture of Zao Gongen from the Heian period (794-1185). 天智天皇の時代、役行者が金峯山を開いて仏道修行し、末法の世にふさわしい仏、 濁世に現れる魔物を降伏する尊像を祈請したところ、まずは釈迦が現れ、続いて千手観音、弥勒が現れました。 しかしいずれも悪世の辺土の人々を教化するには適当でないと退け、 改めて願うと盤石から青黒い忿怒相の金銅蔵王権現が湧出したといいます。 先に現れた釈迦・観音・弥勒はそれぞれ過去・現在・未来の三世の仏ですが、 蔵王権現はその三仏を本地とし、それらが一身に化現したものでした。 蔵王権現は苦しみのもととなる悪病や災厄、煩悩を粉砕する力を持ち、 私たちが心やすらかに毎日を過ごせるようにしてくれる存在でございます。 いまは特にそのお力をお借りしたいものでございます。 Zao Gongen is deity unique to Japan. During the time of Emperor Tenji, the mountain ascetic En no Gyoja (634-c.707) practiced austerities on Mount Kinpu, and made it the center of Shungendo practice. He prayed for the appearance of a powerful Buddha that would destroy evil demons and rid the world of the disasters and calamities it was facing during his time. Three deities appeared: first, Shakyamuni, the gentle historical Buddha; then Senju Kannon, the compassionate thousand-armed bodhisattva; followed by Miroku, the buddha of the future. However, having decided that none of them were appropriate for the needs of the time, he prayed again. Then, it is said an image of Zao Gongen appeared from a large boulder, with a fierce, bluish black countenance. The three deities that appeared before - of the past, present, and future - here merged into one and became the avatar Zao Gongen. Zao has the power to destroy the disaster, disease, and worldly desire that are the cause of all suffering, making it possible for us to pass each day with peace of mind. Particularly in these times, this is a power we would like to embrace. 思いもよらぬ状況の中、まだまだ自粛が続き、皆様大変な日々をお過ごしかと存じます。 ご紹介した作品の他、山本梅逸の「瀧之図」や涼しげな白磁などを展示しております。 素敵な作品をご覧いただき、皆様の心が少しでも和らげば幸いでございます。 Surely we are all struggling together through these unexpected circumstances, when we must show great self restraint. In addition to the other works mentioned, we now have on display a painting entitled Waterfall by Yamamoto Baiitsu (1783-1856), and a number of refreshing works in porcelain. Looking at these works, we would be delighted if you found even a small bit of respite. また、開廊時間を11:00~17:00に短縮しております。 ご来廊のご希望の方は、お気軽にお電話やメールくださいませ。 ロンドンギャラリ-白金 03-6459-3308【 会 期 】 2020年6月6日(土)~27日(土) 【 開廊時間 】 11:00-17:00 ※展示内容及び会期は変更することがございます。ご了承ください。 Until further notice, we are operating on an appointment only basis to help curb the spread of the coronavirus. We have also reduced our hours somewhat, and close now at 5:00pm. If you would like to see the show, please call or send an email in advance to the following: London Gallery, Shirokane 03-6459-3308 londongallery.sac@honey.ocn.ne.jp We look forward to seeing you soon. 【 Exhibition Schedule 】 Saturday June 6 - Saturday June 27, 2020 Open 11:00 am - 5:00 pm Closed Sundays, Mondays, and public holidays ※Please not that certain exhibits may be rotated during this time.
by londongallery
| 2020-06-06 11:55
ファン申請 |