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Exhibition Rotation, Shirokane, July 13 - August 3, 2019 梅雨明けが待たれる今日この頃ですが、皆様いかがお過ごしでしょうか。 さて、ロンドンギャラリー白金では毎年恒例の「簾図屏風」が飾られ、一足先に夏を感じております。 金泥を重ねて描かれているため立体感があり、実際にみていただくと本当に夏の夜にすだれ越しに涼しんでいる気分になります! We hope this finds you all well, as we wait for the long rainy season to come to a close. It has become tradition to display the screen Bamboo Blinds in Shirokane at this time of year, in which you can feel summer right around the corner. The heavy application of gold pigment to render the blinds gives them a realistic texture, and if you spend enough time looking at it, you get the feeling that you are really looking past a set of rolled blinds onto a summer garden at night. その他、可愛らしい乾山の焼き物や凛々しい蔵王権現などを展示しております。 In addition, we are displaying charming works by the Edo period artist Ogata Kenzan (1663-1743), and a dynamic sculpture of the Japanese deity Zao Gongen. もうすぐ暑い夏がやってきますので、是非涼みにいらしてください♪ 皆様のお越しを心よりお待ちしております! 【 会期 】 2019年7月13日(土)- 8月3日(土) ※会期中、一部展示替えを致しますがご了承くださいませ。 【 開廊時間 】 11:00-18:00、日月祝休廊 The hot days of summer will soon be upon us, so by all means please come by while it is still cool outdoors. We look forward to welcoming you at the gallery soon. 【 Exhibition Schedule 】 Saturday July 13 - Saturday August 3, 2019 Open 11:00am - 6:00pm Closed Sundays, Mondays, and public holidays ※ Please note that certain exhibits may be rotated during this time.
by londongallery
| 2019-07-13 12:06
ファン申請 |