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The Next Exhibit Rotation
London Gallery 白金より、展示替えのご案内をさせていただきます。 今回は、アートフェア東京2012 に出品予定の作品。大きな木彫の仏像を 展示しています。 We would like to announce the next rotation of things on display at the London Gallery location in Shirokane. This time we will be displaying large wooden Buddhist sculpture, as planned for the Tokyo Art Fair 2012. 二天王立像/木造彩色(剥落)平安時代 高さ/左149㎝/右149.5㎝ Standing Deva Kings / Wood with traces of polychromy / Heian period / h.149cm (L), 14.5cm (R) そして、初登場の屏風。 We will also be showing this folding screen for the first time. 二枚折の屏風です。 左側が金箔 右側が銀箔の上に絵が描かれております。 とても珍しい画題。印地合戦図 (石合戦図)です。 是非、初登場の屏風を実際にご覧いただければ幸いです。 This is a two-fold screen. The left side is covered in gold leaf, the right side in silver leaf, over which a battle scene has been painted. It is a very rare theme called Inji uchi, which was a sort of boys' game banned in the Momoyama period that involved throwing stones at members of the opposing side. Please be sure to stop by the gallery to have a firsthand look at this extraordinary piece. 3月3日(土)は、白金アートコンプレックス(1F 児玉画廊 ・3F 山本現代)合同レセプションです。ロンドンギャラリーは、20時まで開廊させて戴きます。 皆様のお越しを心よりお待ちしております。 なお期間中、一部展示替えを致しますがご了承くださいませ。 The Shirokane Art Complex will have a joint reception on Satruday March 3rd, from 8:00pm (including 1F Kodama Gallery, 3F Yamamoto Gendai, 4F London Gallery). We hope you will come to see us at that time. Certain objects on display will rotate during the exhibition period, and we thank you in advance for understanding.
by londongallery
| 2012-02-29 22:09
at 2014-02-06 20:04
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