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Buddhist Sutras as Art
前回、二月堂焼経について少し触れましたが、 お経ってどうも難しく捉えられがちですよね。 そこでお勧めしたい書籍が、 Last time we touched upon the Nigatsudō yakegyō, but somehow Buddhist sutras are difficult to get a grasp of. To that end, there is a book I would like to recommend: 『芸術新潮』の連載が書籍化された、小山登美夫さんの『見た、訊いた、買った古美術』 (2010年、新潮社刊)。 It is called Mita kiita katta kobijutsu (Classical art I have seen, listened to, and bought) by Koyama Tomio, and is a collection his writings from the "Geijitsu Shincho" series by the Shincho publishing company (2010). 「第四回 古写経をロンドンギャラリーで」と題し、ご来店いただきました。 「現役アーティストの新作を扱うギャラリスト」の小山さんならではの視点で、 お経をご覧になり、実際にお買い上げを決断されるまでが掲載されております! The fourth part is called "A hand copied sutra from London Gallery," and recalls the time the author came to the gallery for a visit. He describes the process of looking at a sutra and actually deciding to buy it from the unique perspective of an art dealer who handles the work of currently active, contemporary artists. "きちっとまじめに書いていて、字のもとみたいな感じがする。すごくシャープでかっこいい。" とか、"荼毘氏って紙も面白いな。"とか。 He says things such as "Written so perfectly, it feels as if this is the very origin of the characters themselves. They are so sharp and beautifully executed." "The tabishi paper is interesting as well." 漢字の読めない欧米でも人気があるくらいですから! 小山さんも、"これまで字をこんなにしげしげ見たことないですよ。"とおっしゃっていましたが、 難しく考えずに、まずは先入観なしにご覧になってみてください♪ Sutras such as this are popular even in the West where the Chinese characters (kanji) are understood by very few people. Koyama-san said, "I have never looked at kanji so carefully before." Putting aside any preconceived notions and not thinking too deeply, I hope you will have a good look too.
by londongallery
| 2011-06-02 14:23
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ファン申請 |