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Closing of the Ko + Gei Exhibition at the Tokyo Art Club 4日間に渡り開催された「エ+藝」KO+GEI 2024 Tokyo Art Clubはお陰様で無事に終了いたしました。 予想を上回る多くのお客様がご来場され、作品をご覧になられたようです! 【各賞】 秋元雄史賞 / 新里 明士 菊池智美術館賞 / 五味 謙二 中田英寿賞 / 内田 鋼一 山下裕二賞 / 福田 亨 東京美術倶楽部大賞 / 山村 慎哉 倶楽部優秀賞 / 小野川 直樹 倶楽部優秀賞 / 福田 亨 ◆参加作家 招待作家(11名): 秋山陽/十四代今泉今右衛門/隠崎隆一/川瀬忍/関島寿子/ After being open for four days, the Ko+Gei 2024 Tokyo Art Club exhibition has come to a close. Far more people than expected came to the show to admire the works on display. 【Award Recipients】 ・Akimoto Yuji Award: Niisato Akio ・Kikuchi Kanjitsu Memorial Tomo Museum Award: Gomi Kenji ・Nakata Hidetoshi Award: Uchida Koichi ・Yamashita Yuji Award: Fukuda Toru ・Tokyo Art Club Grand Prize: Yamamura Shinya ・Tokyo Art Club Award of Excellence: Fukuda Toru ◆Participating Artists Specially Invited Guests (11) Akiyama Yo, Imaizumi Imaemon XIV, Kakurezaki Ryuichi, Kawase Shinobu, Sekijima Hisako, Tsuchiya Yoshinori, Hatakeyama Koji, Maeta Akihiro, Maeda Masahiro, Mikami Ryo, Miwa Kyusetsu XIII Recommended Artists (37) Aoki Kodo, Ikura Takashi, Ito Hidehito, Uchida Koichi, Onogawa Naoki, Katoh Gizan, Kato Takahiro, Kato Ryotaro, Kino Satoshi, Kosogawa Runa, Gomi Kenji, Sakiyama Takiyuki, Sawaya Yuko, Shimamura Hikaru, Suna Fujita, Seto Takemi, Takimoto Mitsukuni, Tanaka Saki, Tanabe Chukuunsai IV, Dewa Eri, Niisato Akio, Nishihisamatsu Yuka, Nishimura Keikou, Noguchi Kansai, Hashimoto Masaya, Hasegawa Sekichi, Hattori Makiko, Fukuda Toru, Masuda Toshiya, Matsumoto Keiko, Matsunaga Keita, Mitsuke Masayasu, Miyake Mai, Yamamura Shinya, Rusu Aki, Wakasugi Seiko, Wada Akira (Ordered according to Japanese syllabary) #
by londongallery
| 2024-05-31 16:10
| Exhibition/展覧会
Ko+Gei at the Tokyo Art Club 五月晴れの心地よい季節となりました。 いよいよ東京美術俱楽部で開催される「工+藝」まで一週間をきりました。 また、会期中にはギャラリートークなども予定されています。 23日(木)15時 山下裕二先生 24日(金)15時 橋本麻里先生 25日(土)15時 秋元雄史先生 事前申し込みも受け付けているので是非チェックしてみてください! Mid-way into May, it is a most pleasant season. At last, there is only one more week to go before the Ko+Gei exhibition at the Tokyo Art Club. Works by Hashimoto Masaya and Takimoto Mitsukuni will be there on display. There are also gallery talks scheduled to take place during the show. Thursday 23, 3:00pm - Yamashita Yuji Friday 24, 3:00pm - Hashimoto Mari Saturday 25, 3:00pm - Akimoto Yuji Advanced reservations can be made now, so please check it out! #
by londongallery
| 2024-05-17 11:33
| Exhibition/展覧会
Exhibition Announcement, Shirokane, Wednesday May 8 - Saturday June 15, 2024 風薫る5月がやってまいりましたが、皆さまいかがお過ごしでしょうか。
五月はこどもの日もございましたので、お子様たちに強く勇ましく育っていただきたいという願いを込めて「印地打図屏風」を展示しております。 We hope this finds you well as we enter early summer. With Children's Day in May, we have chosen an interesting work for our current exhibition in Shirokane. It is a screen depicting an event called "Injiuchi", which was intended to foster strength and courage in children.
日本では、鎌倉時代より男子の勇ましさを競う行事が盛んになされていました。 その中の一つに合戦を真似、二手に分かれて石を投げ合う行事、『印地打』がありました。 危険な闘争行為であったため負傷者や死人が出ることもしばしばあり、江戸時代には子供の遊びとなりその後は禁止されてなくなりました。しかし、禁止された後も五月の節句の際に子供の成長を願い飾られていたという説もございます。 From as early as the Kamakura period in Japan, this event was held on the fifth day of the fifth month, as a competition of bravery for boys. Imitating battle, boys were divided into two teams to have a rock fight, called "Injiuchi", literally, "sling and strike". As it was a dangerous combat sport of sorts, often resulting in injury or even death, in the Edo period it was lightened to a form of children's play, and eventually banned. But even after it was banned, it is said that in May as a seasonal celebration for the growth and development of children, pictures like this were displayed.
その他、北斉時代の『怪獣』と言われている石像の台座など力強い作品を展示しております。 木々の緑も鮮やかになってまいりました。どうぞお散歩がてらお越しくださいませ。 In addition, we are also exhibiting powerful works such as this Northern Wei Dynasty stone figure of a mythical creature that once supported a pedestal. With the fresh green leaves of the season fully out, we hope you will take a walk and stop by to see the show.
【 会期 】 2024年5月8日(水)~ 6月15日(土) ※会期中、一部展示替えを致しますがご了承くださいませ。
【 開廊時間 】 11:00-17:00、日月祝休廊 【 Schedule 】 Wednesday May 8 - Saturday June 16, 2024 Open 11:00 am - 5:00 pm Closed Sundays, Mondays, and public holidays ※ Please note that certain exhibits may change during the show. #
by londongallery
| 2024-05-09 16:58
Golden Week Holiday Announcement ゴールデンウィークの休廊期間をお知らせ致します。 休廊期間は、六本木、白金ともに下記の通りでございます。 4月28日(日)〜5月6日(月) 何卒宜しくお願い申し上げます。 Both the Roppongi and Shirokane galleries will be closed for the Golden Week holidays according to the following schedule: Sunday April 28 - Monday May 6, 2024 We look forward to seeing you thereafter. #
by londongallery
| 2024-04-26 13:30
| 臨時休廊日
"KO+GEI" Exhibition at the Tokyo Art Club 気が付けば桜も見ごろを過ぎ、新芽がキラキラと芽吹いてきました。 皆さまいかがお過ごしでしょうか。 東京美術倶楽部にて今年より新たな展覧会「工+藝」が始まります。 全国有数の美術商達が推薦する気鋭の工芸作家達による新作の展示・販売会です。 In the blink of an eye, the buds came out and the peak of cherry blossom season has already passed. We hope this finds you all well. Beginning this year, the Tokyo Art Club will host a new exhibition series, called "KO+GEI". New works by spirited artists recommended by art dealers from all around Japan will be both exhibited and sold. 公式のInstagram( @koplusgei )が始まりましたので、ご案内致します。 公式アカウントでは随時出品作品が公開されますので、展示会と併せてご高覧下さい。 Works featured in the exhibition will be introduced here, so please have a look in addition to visiting the show. ─━──━──━──━──━─ ◆Details Exhibition name: Ko+Gei 2024 Tokyo Art Club Schedule: Thursday May 23 - Sunday May 26, 2024 Open: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Venue: Tokyo Art Club Address: 6-19-15 Shinbashi, Minato ku, Tokyo Free entry Instagram account: @koplusgei ◆Participating Artists Specially Invited Guests (11) Akiyama Yo, Imaizumi Imaemon XIV, Kakurezaki Ryuichi, Kawase Shinobu, Sekijima Hisako, Tsuchiya Yoshinori, Hatakeyama Koji, Maeta Akihiro, Maeda Masahiro, Mikami Ryo, Miwa Kyusetsu XIII Recommended Artists (37) Aoki Kodo, Ikura Takashi, Ito Hidehito, Uchida Koichi, Onogawa Naoki, Katoh Gizan, Kato Takahiro, Kato Ryotaro, Kino Satoshi, Kosogawa Runa, Gomi Kenji, Sakiyama Takiyuki, Sawaya Yuko, Shimamura Hikaru, Suna Fujita, Seto Takemi, Takimoto Mitsukuni, Tanaka Saki, Tanabe Chukuunsai IV, Dewa Eri, Niisato Akio, Nishihisamatsu Yuka, Nishimura Keikou, Noguchi Kansai, Hashimoto Masaya, Hasegawa Sekichi, Hattori Makiko, Fukuda Toru, Masuda Toshiya, Matsumoto Keiko, Matsunaga Keita, Mitsuke Masayasu, Miyake Mai, Yamamura Shinya, Rusu Aki, Wakasugi Seiko, Wada Akira (Ordered according to Japanese syllabary) ─━──━──━──━──━─ The Tokyo Art Club has over 115 years of history supporting the art market, and for the first time will host the exhibition "Ko+Gei". Prominent art dealers from across Japan and from all fields have carefully selected 48 contemporary artists, and in this show they will both exhibit and sell works of art being shown for the first time. Participating artists include 11 specially invited guests who are driving forces in the world of contemporary Kogei, and 37 enthusiastically recommended artists who have captured the world's attention. In addition, special judges who have shared the brilliance of Kogei with the public have been invited to present awards. Members of the Tokyo Art Club, comprised of dealers from all parts of Japan, will also vote on a Grand Prize and two Awards of Excellence. Kogei has become a much talked about subject in the art world these days, so for this project we have attempted to capture the concept as "Ko+Gei". The techniques of the "Craft" (Ko) that have advanced Japanese traditions, and the "Art" (Gei) born of the deep, creative consciousness of each artist. Ko + Gei = Craft + Art = What will be born of this equation? By all means, please go to see the results for yourself. It is also possible to purchase the works being exhibited this time. (All works will be sold by lottery, and applications can be made at any time during the exhibition. Please be aware that things will not be sold on a first-come-first-serve basis.) Through the act of being cherished by their new owners, works of art no longer in the possession of their creators take on a new dimension of "art", providing artists with the power to create their next works. Please experience firsthand the excitement of buying a new work of art. Entry is free, and everyone is welcome to attend. ◆ Awards will be presented by the special judges and members of the Tokyo Art Club on the final day. Award winning works will be shown in a special exhibition after the event is finished. Special Judge Awards ・Akimoto Yuji Award ・Kikuchi Kanjitsu Memorial Tomo Museum Award ・Nakata Hidetoshi Award ・Yamashita Yuji Award Tokyo Art Club Awards ・Grand Prize ・Award of Excellence (2) Works Eligible ・Those of the 37 recommended artists Announcement of Award Recipients ・Sunday May 26, 2024 Notification of works awarded will be posted on the final day of the exhibition. Special Exhibition Schedule for Award Recipients ・Monday May 27 - Sunday June 2, 2024 To be held in a specially made area in the 1st floor lobby of the Tokyo Art Club #
by londongallery
| 2024-04-09 16:47
| Exhibition/展覧会
ファン申請 |